Marne American Legion Post 13 in Plainfield, Ill., is one of the first posts established in the United States. Made up of its original 23 members, all veterans of World War I, the Plainfield American Legion was chartered into existence on June 30, 1919. The name Marne Post was selected in honor of the Second Battle of the Marne (Marne River) which was fought between July 15-18, 1918, and represented a significant turning point in the war in favor of the allied forces and eventually leading to the armistice ending the war on Nov. 11, 1918. The outcome of this battle was significantly impacted by the presence and ferocity of American military forces, who numbered second only to French forces fighting in the allied cause.
The Plainfield American Legion proudly donned their new color guard uniforms in time for Veterans Day 2024. The uniforms represent the U.S. Marine Corps uniforms worn during the Battle of Belleau Wood fought alongside the Marne River and immediately prior to the Second Battle of the Marne in June 1918. During the Battle of Belleau Wood, members of the 4th Marine Brigade were vastly outnumbered and failed to receive the allied support planned. Regardless, the Marines fought with amazing ferocity and determination and as a result secured Belleau Wood and stopped the German advance, possibly saving an invasion of Paris and setting the battlefield for the pivotal Second Battle of the Marne. It is believed by some that the German forces arrayed against the Marines were so struck by the fighting spirit of their enemies that they referred to them as Teufel Hunden or “Devil Dogs,” a nickname the Marines still proudly sport.
Post 13 has been a civic leader in the village of Plainfield for the last 105 years and as Plainfield has expanded, so has the Marne post. Today, Post 13 is home to more than 400 Legionnaires who represent all service branches and who have served honorably in peace and in all of America’s conflicts dating back to World War II. We are also blessed with a vibrant Post 13 Legion Auxiliary chapter, Sons of The American Legion squadron, and Legion Riders detachment. When in the Chicagoland area, please stop in and join us for comradeship at Post 13.