iGuerilla: Reshaping the Face of War in the 21st Century Available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble
iGuerillas use progressive means in pursuit of regressive ends resulting in an exponentially more dangerous and lethal threat. His modern tools give him a destructive capacity that rivals many states. Internet media exploitation gives him global access to the disaffected and asocial. His religious motives are non-negotiable and his license to kill is sanctioned by Allah. His call for a primal society appeals to the cynics tired of political compromise. His pitiless mind is uncluttered by modern sensibilities and he unambiguously states what he wants and he goes after it. He is barbarous and yet is a tech savvy denizen of the modern world. He’s a schizophrenic cross between Attila the Hun and Mark Zuckerburg. He uses the best of the present to resurrect the worst of the past. John Sutherland’s book iGuerilla puts him in perspective, traces from where he came, and projects the trajectory as to where iGuerilla intends to go. "Sutherland avoids the common held view and conventional wisdom of many pundits -- making this book exceedingly useful for all professionals engaged in countering the jihadist movements.This should be the first book packed in the duffel bag for those carrying the fight to the enemy." iGuerilla sits very comfortably on the shelf next to Galula, Trinquier, Nagl and Field Manual 3-24. --Peter J. Schifferle, PhD Lieutenant Colonel, 3d U.S. Cavalry (retired) Professor of History School of Advanced Military Studies U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027 Author of America's School for War: Fort Leavenworth