Many of us are tempted to save up our vacation days, but we all need time off to recharge, and taking that time to travel actually benefits our mental health. What’s even better is we enjoy those benefits as soon as we start planning a trip, and the happy memories made while traveling continue to give us a boost long after a trip is over.
Travel lowers stress
Getting away from your daily routine and visiting a new place is fun and exciting, but it also lowers stress. When we travel, we can leave behind the worry of daily life that tends to weigh us down. While simply being in a new environment allows our minds to let go of that stress, we get even more joy from really exploring somewhere new and the adventure it brings. Jumping into travel with an open heart and mind helps us get out of our own heads so that we’re able to see our problems in a greater context. Whether you travel to see natural wonders or visit an urban area and connect with the local culture, these experiences create a sense of being part of something bigger than ourselves.
Travel strengthens sense of self
The amazing thing about connecting with other cultures is it also strengthens your own sense of self. To maximize this benefit, when you travel somewhere new, don’t just visit but truly immerse yourself in the new place. The Huffington Post has some great tips for how to do this, such as learning the language, reading up on local literature, and spending time in central spots that are popular with locals. While you immerse yourself in your surroundings, make sure to focus inward as well. Elite Daily suggests catching a sunrise or sunset, meditating, and keeping a travel journal. Being mindful about truly connecting with local life while at the same time reconnecting with yourself maximizes your travel experience and boosts your mental well being.
Travel strengthens relationships
When you travel with someone you care about, you get to have amazing new experiences and make memories together. You may also go through some challenges and mishaps, but through the ups and downs of travel, you will come out of it with a stronger relationship. This benefit has a direct impact on your mental health because positive relationships bring more joy to life and provide you with a stronger support system.
Travel improves brain strength
Emotional well being starts in our in minds, and studies have shown that travel actually changes how our brains are wired. According to The Atlantic, our environment has a big effect on our neural pathways, meaning they can actually change when we experience something new. Our senses are sent into overdrive when we travel, which changes these neural pathways in a way that gives your brain a bit of a jolt. This process actually improves brain strength because it makes you more adaptable and mentally prepared for whatever life throws your way.
This benefit is especially helpful for anyone who has mental illness or struggles with addiction. When you develop this mental elasticity, your brain is actually more capable of responding to stress in a healthier way. For someone recovering from addiction, learning to change the way you react in different situations, and realizing you have control over your choices and emotional responses, is extremely helpful in preventing relapse. Travel helps build this mental strength, giving you an increased resilience that continues to help in recovery long after you get back home. This increased brain strength, along with the new perspective you get from travel, makes your overall experience a journey of self-discovery that helps you heal and move forward through recovery.
No matter what your daily life looks like, everyone needs to take care of their mental health, and travel is a powerful way to recharge and stay more emotionally balance. When you visit somewhere new, you connect with yourself, other cultures, and the world around you, and this connection has a lasting impact on living a healthier, happier life.