I am a retired computer programmer/artist. Each year for the 20+ years I have completed a Santa painting depicting my grandchildren with Santa. About 6 years ago I decided to do this particular painting thinking about all those in service to our country who gave all. My granddaughter helped me creating the names and dates etc. for the markers so all are fictional. It was and is my hope that those who see this painting think and give pause to remember during their holiday celebating our fallen brothers and sisters as well as all their extended family and the loss they have suffered as well who can no longer find the joy to celebrate. Mother, fathers, brothers, sisters and children. Myself and my 4 brothers have all served and were lucky enough to return home to a mother and father who silently watched us go off to serve. Our combined service years ranged from the 1940s thru 1970s.
That pretty much sums up what and why I created the painting. If you should find it a worthy message to pass on, please do so and thank you. USAF 1965-1972 SSgt Tom Shively