How Military Service Changed My Life
Borrowed shoes, rented apartments, early age work to supplement family income, sharing toys and clothes with my brother, no extra money for childhood events, all gave me an overall understanding, that except for the essentials in life, there was no money for luxury items. College was not an option because finances were not available.
In l964 I turned to the Air Force and the G.I. Bill. Education was at my fingertips. Service to my country, with honesty and honor, would open college doors. My new life began! I married Claudia, attended college in Missouri, had three lovely children, taught high school in Lake Forest Il., bought my first house in l977 and now after 34 years of teaching, retired in 2004. I still have my beautiful wife and children but have added a daughter-in-law and two wonderful grand daughters to my family. I’m enjoying a fruitful life.
How did the military change my life? It gave me hope, security, and the education necessary to provide for my family in ways that my parents were not able.
Lawrence M. “Pie” Piemontese
Vietnam era veteran
USAF 1964-1970