Wounded Warriors and the fallen,
are for you and me,
a thing of beauty as they fought,
to keep our land still free.
Such a beauty we do honor,
on this Memorial Day,
wishing their sweet families,
our heart felt thanks we say.
In many VA's I have seen
the wounded suffer much,
as doctors sought to heal their wounds,
with gentle loving touch.
But inside these men and women,
of iron and metal made,
I see within a struggle still,
to make the battles fade.
And if I could then wish a wish,
to give to them today,
it would be that the battles hush,
and peace then find it's way,
within their souls and in their minds,
no more the battle hear,
instead to hear the children laugh,
to bring the warrior cheer.
So thank you warrior friend salute,
I do remembering well,
it is for me you fought, some died,
in battlefields from hell.
And I salute you.