Evil creates many veterans. Some never hear "thank you for your service," and some have dodged and suffered more evil bullets than they have heard kind words. Fortunately there is a greater reason to war against evil than to hear words. I wrote a song about that reason, arranged it for 12 different instruments, played all the parts, and posted it at https://youtu.be/4B26idE84j0. My regret is that I couldn't find better musicians. Here is part of the message:
Thank you for the flowers on my grave.
Thanks for caring what my dying gave you....
Your coming to visit twice a year is like a dream.
You ask why I am moved that much. Can't you see?
It's not to help me up here with self esteem!
It's not for me that I care! No, not for me!
Remember the blood shed for you!
Forget the cost, and what we died for may be lost!
Freedom has a price. Someone has to pay it....
Where evil strikes, you've got to take a stand,
even when it's not pure wrong raping a perfect land.
Had we quit, you'd be less free today.
With all our faults, God helped us drive evil away.
(Excerpts from verse 1 and 3 of "Why Remember?" posted at https://youtu.be/4B26idE84j0)