PowerPoint Ranger: My Iraq War Logs is a unique ‘call to duty’, military adventure novel. With a resemblance to the 1955 movie, Strategic Air Command with James Stewart, PowerPoint Ranger: My Iraq War Logs tells the story of a 52-year-old Army captain recalled to active duty after 13 years of retirement. As a fictionalized memoir, PowerPoint Ranger: My Iraq War Logs is a story of determination, perseverance, and sacrifice to conquer the challenges of returning to military service, and then deploying to a combat zone.
The Army asks Captain Matt Jerome, a retired signal corps captain to come back on active duty and add his critical skills to the surge of forces in Iraq. Jerome overcomes obstacles of age, weight, training, and physical and medical fitness to be deployed to a major headquarters in Baghdad. The captain becomes immersed in reviewing, analyzing and documenting horrific scenes of war into full-color, classified PowerPoint* presentations.
While serving in the Joint Operations Center (JOC), Captain Jerome observes an intelligence analyst browsing the classified files network, who then makes outrageous claims of war atrocities. Stressful conditions in Iraq take a toll on U.S. Forces as one sergeant commits multiple murders at the Combat Stress Center; other service members commit suicide during Jerome’s deployment. But then President Obama makes a surprise visit to headquarters and his announcement changes the captain’s fate.
PowerPoint Ranger: My Iraq War Logs plunges you into an emotional behind-the-scenes look at being recalled to active duty to work in a highly stressful combat zone assignment. When you imagine binge-watching the scariest horror movies available on Netflix, but knowing THIS horror is all real, you’ll begin to appreciate being a PowerPoint Ranger working in this JOC for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Available at Amazon Books (all formats): https://www.amazon.com/PowerPoint-Ranger-Iraq-War-Logs/dp/1646630874/ and Barnes & Noble (no eBook) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/powerpoint-ranger-kelly-j-galvin/113718...
Book website: https://powerpoint-ranger.com/