We lucked out with a perfect weather day in August 2022. A crowd of 450+ gathered for our first annual hog roast/corn boil and a great time was had by all. Two hogs were roasted, 50 dozen ears of corn were cooked and the fun began at 4:30 pm in the parking lot. Music was by one of our members who was a DJ in Vietnam; "From the Delta to the DMZ" was the radio call sign. Volunteers from the Post, Auxiliary and SAL all worked together to make sure our guests were served. Members renewed, new members joined, but most of all many people saw, heard and experienced what the Legion of 2022 is about. So many wonderful programs and events are happening monthly. The families of the 1742 SD National Guard Unit that is deployed joined us as our guests too. We provided back-to-school items for all the students. They then joined us for the meal also. The committee's review and tweaks to the event are bound to produce a bigger and better event for 2023.