The American Legion Family at Charter Cove American Legion Post 755 in Covina is hosting a First Responders Recognition on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. The event starts at noon where Legion Family members will begin delivering 110 meals to three law enforcement and eight fire stations located in Covina, Glendora and San Dimas for in-station personnel. On- and off-duty law enforcement and fire personnel are invited to visit the post from noon to 4 pm for a complimentary meal as a “thank you” for all they do to keep the community safe.
Inspired by a social media posting from an American Legion post in Florida, Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 755 member Jesse Bradshaw presented the idea to the Post 755 Family and set the project in motion. Bradshaw also challenged other American Legion posts in the San Gabriel Valley to do something similar to honor first responders. Posts from Pasadena to Pomona have plans to honor first responders on or around Sept. 11.
American Legion Post 755 is located at 20516 Arrow Hwy., Covina, CA.