The American Legion Riders of Post 65 in Metuchen, N.J., have organized a hero escort for the remains of SSgt. Michael Joseph Uhrin back home after 80 years.
Motorcycle riders who wish to pay their respects and join us in escorting this American hero's remains home will assemble 4 p.m. on Friday, May 26, at Metuchen American Legion Post 65 located at 17 Calvin Pl., Metuchen, NJ 08840.
Riders will assemble in the train station parking lot behind the post at 4 p.m., and kickstands up heading out to the airport is estimated to begin with the family between 5 and 6 p.m.
The Riders have coordinated this escort between many parties. The military, police and fire departments from many municipalities and the NJ State PD, the veteran's family, Costello Runyon funeral home, and many Riders posts and organizations that wanted to be involved and show their respects.
Monday, Memorial Day will have a ceremony after the parade in Metuchen's Memorial Park, followed by transport to Staff Sgt. Uhrin's final resting place at Hillside Memorial Cemetary. At this point, we're not certain if the flyover will be during the Memorial Park ceremony or at the burial.
If you have not read Staff Sgt. Michael Joseph Uhrin's full story, it can be found on our Facebook page; don't forget to "Like Us" to get updates on our work, rides and events as well:
Thanks to everyone involved who assisted American Legion Riders of Post 65, Post 65, Auxiliary and SAL, and all the other posts, groups and individuals who helped in the effort, too numerous to name each.