A welcome tradition to summer days is the rumble of motorcycles passing through local towns in support of various North Country charities. Among the most visible are the American Legion Riders – easily recognizable by the proud American-eagle patch emblazoned on their backs. This group of veterans, assembled from local Legions, continues to serve their community and ride with pride in their service to our nation. They are a service organization of motorcycle enthusiasts, not a gang, and they are open to makes and models of motorcycles and all eligible members of the American Legion Family.
These American Legion Riders hail from St. Lawrence County in northern New York State. It is the largest county in New York, sandwiched between the picturesque Adirondack Mountains to the south and the powerful St. Lawrence River to the north. In New York State, the county has one of the highest levels of poverty and unemployment. The American Legion Riders are a vital asset in assisting local veterans and communities in need.
The first chapter of the American Legion Riders in the North Country region of New York State was formed in St. Lawrence County in February 2005, through Norfolk American Legion Post 925. The Norfolk American Legion Riders were, and still are, occasionally referred to as the “St. Lawrence Valley Chapter” because it was, and still is, the only American Legion Riders chapter in St. Lawrence County. From its beginning, it has recruited members from all Legion posts throughout the county. The success of this chapter has inspired and encouraged other chapters in neighboring counties in towns such as Alexandria Bay, Black River and Malone.
Since their formation in 2005, Norfolk American Legion Riders have hosted rides to raise money for charities including the Children’s Miracle Network, the Wounded Warrior Fund for Fort Drum, and the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. In addition, the Riders frequently show their support by participating in the rides sponsored by other local charity organizations. Along with their charity and fundraising activities, the Norfolk Legion Riders proudly stand at the ready for duty as funeral escorts for veterans and for various other veterans activities.
In 2015, the Norfolk Riders sent representatives to nearly every local charity ride, hosted their own charity ride that raised over $3,500 for the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Foundation, took part in several local parades, and supported a local Hometown Heroes Muskie Fishing Challenge. They also conducted several club rides and some restaurant 'Ride-Ins' to support local veterans associations and local businesses.
They held a 10-year anniversary celebration for the chapter this year. Current Chapter President Marc LoGalbo presented beautiful plaques to Charter President Royal Sheldon and to charter members who have remained active members since 2005. The honorees who received this distinguished recognition included Barb and Richard Barish, Al and Linda Carpenter, Earl Cook, Jerry Laramay, James and Sharon Palmer, Terry Peterson, Gordon Richards, Gail Sheldon, Alfred and Robin Snider, and Cindy Sullivan.
The Norfolk American Legion Riders has an active roster of around 40 members and pulls interested members from many local Legions throughout the county.
Group shot - the American Legion Riders presented a check for over $3,500 to the Amercian Legion Legacy Scholarship Foundation. Members present included Jim and Sharon Palmer, Secretary/Road Captain Thomas Morrison, Harry Caringi, Aaron Monette, President Marc LoGalbo, Treasurer Cindy Sullivan, Sgt.-at-Arms Kevin Morarity, Chaplain Tim Moon, Historian Paul LaClair, Steve Sedlock, Elisabeth LoGalbo, and Dick and Barb Barish.