“Pocatello is the State's Chapter”
In May 2003 Post 4, Pocatello, became the first American Legion Riders chapter in the state of Idaho. Later more towns got chapters. Boise eventually started a chapter and wanted to move the state chapter there, but with a meeting with Post 4, Pocatello stayed the state chapter.
Post 4 Riders supports the following organizations and groups: The American Legion, The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund, Secret Santa for Homeless Veterans, Aid For Friends, Motorcycle Awareness Rally, Toys For Tots, Patriot Guard Riders and their funeral escorts, POW/MIA, rodeo and support.
2013 was Post 4's year to make history again, with some effort. Southeast Idaho was chosen as the site for the 2013 American Legion Riders Western “ROMP” ( Riding On Military Pride). Although the ROMP is for members of the Riders only, it will be a big shot in the arm economically for local businesses and cities in the Western United States.
These events have historically been held east of the Mississippi River. This was the first ever Western ROMP, and after that an annual event trades off to each Western state to sponsor. This event was scheduled for July 18-21. Although there was participation by multiple Idaho Legion posts, Post 4 was the "Host Post."
Two types of rides were planned for the event. Long all-day rides went to Yellowstone Park, Shoshone Falls, Jackson Hole/Teton National Park, Sun Valley/Challis and Bear Lake. Half-day or shorter rides covered the Soda Springs, lava Hot Springs and Marsh Creek loop and Dayton/Malad and Devils Creek via Weston and Marsh Creek.