On Sunday, Dec. 2, 2018, the American Legion Riders of Post 231, Pottsboro, Texas, joined the Texas Abate Confederation and other motorcycle-enthusiast organizations in supporting the 24th annual “For the Kids” Toy Run benefiting the local Salvation Army. More than 450 bikers from around the region joined together dressed in leathers and Christmas attire. Bikes were decorated with stuffed animals, wreaths and garlands.
The ride assembled at the Classics of Texoma car dealership and was led by Santa Claus, a.k.a Bruce "Dad" Guffee, state coordinator for the Texas Abate Confederation, to the Sherman, Texas, VFW where participants enjoyed street tacos, a silent auction and a live auction led by American Legion Riders Director, John "Hoss" Watson. In all, $32,000 was raised, $31,000 went to the Salvation Army and $1,000 to the Sam Rayburn ISD. Many local companies and organizations participated in the preparation and sponsorship of the event.
The Riders of Post 231 participate in and coordinate many local charitable events. Our website is alr231.com.