Riders from across the Department of Virginia recently completed a two-day event known as the Virginia In State Legacy Scholarship Run. As you know, the American Legion Riders (ALR) ride to fulfill an obligation to the Veterans who have given their lives, or have been significantly disabled (more than 50%), safeguarding our freedoms. The mission is simple; they ride so the children of those Veterans will be able to secure a college education. Their sport is dangerous; there is no way to change that. But with proper equipment, well-practiced skills, heads-up riding, proper attitude and the understanding that they are responsible for their own safety, they complete their rides safely.
This year required extra skill as the temperatures rose over the 100-degree mark. But that did not discourage them from gathering over 120 bikes for a 595-mile trip throughout Virginia.
On Friday, July 19, 2020 the ride started at 8:00 AM at Highland Springs Post 144 in Sandston, VA. The Riders continued on to American Legion Post 74 in Charlottesville, VA after completing the first 189 miles of the first day. They were met by many well-wishers including Department of Virginia Commander AB. After a refreshing lunch provided by Post 74, the Riders then traveled to their end of day stop at Post 21 in Winchester, VA.
On Saturday, 20 July they started by travelling to Barnett Memorial Park in Winchester, VA. Here the Riders had a dual wreath laying ceremony at both Korean War Memorial and the POW/MIA Memorial. After the ceremony the Riders proceeded to Veteran’s Memorial Park in Harrisonburg, VA (at James Madison University) again presenting a wreath at the Veterans Memorial. After this the Riders headed to Post 156 in Orange, VA for lunch before the final leg of their journey to Post 320 in Spotsylvania, VA where the ride officially ended.
There are too many people to list individually who participated in making this such a terrific event. Special plaques were presented to Highland Springs Posts 144, Charlottesville Post 74, Winchester Post 21, Orange Post 156, and Spotsylvania Post 320 for their superior support of this year’s Run with over 25 Certificates of Appreciation were presented throughout the ride for significant support provided to Run. Through the hard efforts of many Legionnaires the Ride was a total success surpassing the $25,000 donated last year for the National American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund.