Glen Rock and New Freedom are small communities located approximately 5 miles apart in southern Pennsylvania. The New Freedom VFW has as one of its members Sgt. Dan Teague, a 19-year officer on the Southern Regional Police Force and their motorcycle officer. He is also a Marine veteran. Teague is well-known in the area for the number of motorcycle events he has participated in as a member of the Southern Regional Police Force.
Unfortunately, Teague was recently diagnosed with cancer. VFW Post 7012 wanted to do something for Teague to assist him and his family with medical costs, and thought a benefit ride in his honor would be the perfect fundraiser - but their post does not have riders and lacked the experience of putting a benefit ride together.
One of the VFW members is also a member and a Legion Rider at the neighboring Glen Rock post, so they reached out to the Glen Rock Riders for assistance. The Glen Rock Riders were familiar with Teague, and knowing he was a veteran took it upon themselves to coordinate the ride. Within a two-and-a-half-week period the Glen Rock Riders mapped out a route and coordinated with other local motor patrols and fire departments to provide assistance along the route. The VFW was able to concentrate on the other specifics of the benefit without having to concern themselves with the ride.
The VFW was hopeful to get 50 riders to show up for the event, and were more than surprised and delighted to have almost 200 riders show up for the event and were able to make an $8,000 donation to Teague and his family. The New Freedom community donated all the food for the event. The Glen Rock community should be more than proud of what their American Legion Riders accomplished to help a veteran, and it was great to see what these two veteran-oriented organizations accomplished by working together.