The Leon Burson Post 395 American Legion was granted a charter of the ALR back in November 2012. We had 22 charter members to start out with. Our first goal was a run!
We picked Armed Forces Day, May 18, as the day. We picked a route to visit other Legion posts with ALR chapters, Lockport, New Lenox, Morris and Ottawa Ill. We added a steak fry to the end of the run.
Now many of us could not make the American Legion Legacy Run, so we decided to have our first run for the Legacy Scholarship Fund. It was a great day. After all said and done we collected $500 to donate to the Legacy fund. The support of others made this all happen. The ALR addition to our post has been a very good tool for us as part of The Legion Family as it offers another avenue to help in our search for new members as well as a point of interest for them.
We are working on holding another run and a pool tournament as well in the near future. If your post does not have a Legion Riders chapter, you might want to look into it! I am the director of our chapter and the commander of the post.
We are in a small rural town with several veteran riders. You would be amazed how the ALR can add new life to your post and help in our overall mission. Thank you to all who have served and continue to give of self for the greater good of others.
God Bless, Ride Safe.