My father, Chester B. Kidder, was inducted into the U.S. Navy Seabees on Aug. 10, 1945, Nearing the end of World War II. He served 6 months and 6 days before being honorably discharged. He earned the ratings of AS, S2c & World War II Victory Ribbon while stationed at USNTC Samson, N., and then to Davisville, R.I.
At the time of his being drafted into service I was a child of 6. I vividly remember, with my mother and older sister, taking him to catch a train in Detroit. I still have his U.S. Navy Seabee uniform on display. He passed away in 2007 with a military honor guard. He was a member of Marysville, Mich., American Legion Post 449.
I have flown the U.S Navy Seabee flag daily below the Stars & Stripes in the front yard of our home in his honor. Although he did not see combat, he proudly served his nation when called upon.
I am a retired police chief. My police partner of nearly 30 years was also a U.S. Navy Seabee, serving in the Pacific Theater.
As a 34-year member of SAL Post 449, I respect all the men and women who faithfully served their country.
Edward W. Kidder
Marysville, Mich.