I wanted to share a story with you regarding the installation of a "Veterans Marker" on my dad's (Col. Robert D. Schmidt} gravesite in Huron, Ohio. Several years ago while visiting the cemetery, I noticed that there were medallions on the gravestones of veterans. i thought that since my dad had been through both WWI and WWII in combat that his grave should have a marker. When I got home I contacted VA regarding a marker. After two years of trying I was told that markers were not available to anyone serving prior to 1952. So I got online and purchased one on a stake which I had a friend of mine install. A couple of months later I received a call from VA saying they could now send a marker, which I received a few days later. In the meantime my friend had moved and I needed someone to install the marker since I lived in Florida. Since I am a member of The American Legion I called Post 83 in Sandusky, Ohio, and left a message. The next day I got a call from Dan Brake, one of their members. I told him my story and he said to send him the marker and he would get it installed. I did, and on Sept. 8 I got a call from Dan telling me it would be installed on 9/11. On 9/11 I got a call saying that the marker had been installed and a picture would be sent. When I got the pictures I cannot tell you how proud I was to be a member of The American Legion! To think that 7 guys (6 Honor Guard and 1 photographer) would take the time to honor my dead the way they did is one of the great memories of my life. I wanted to tell this story of Post 83 and Dan Brake going above and beyond the call of duty.
Bob Schmidt (U.S. Army 1952-1959)