The new flag purchased by the Auxiliary is presented to be installed by SAL members Dan and Peter with homeowner Al in the back. Once installed, all involved saluted the new flag.


John J. Morris Post 62 SAL replaces tattered flags in community

Peoria, AZ

The John J. Morris Post 62 in Peoria, Ariz., Sons of the American Legion (SAL) come together to replace tattered flags in the surrounding community. The Sons and the Auxiliary purchase the flags to keep the community spirit high. Once removed, the old flags are taken back to the post to be properly and respectfully retired. This process is done at no cost to the homeowner. It was an honor to join SAL today to participate in this process. The homeowner was very grateful and thanked all in attendance for the assistance. Today, SAL in attendance were Peter Rivera and Daniel Neuenschwander.

The old flag was taken back to the post to be retired with honor.
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