Local Veterans Give Tribute to POW/MIA Day.
Veterans groups and community leaders gathered Friday afternoon, September 18 for a P.O.W./ M.I.A. Recognition Day program at the Delta County Veterans Memorial in Ludington Park, Mich. Led by emcee Craig Woerpel and speaker Steve Kwarciany of the VFW Post 2998 of Escanaba, they honored the memories of past POW/MIAs from Delta County.
National POW/MIA Recognition Day was established in 1979 through a proclamation signed by President Jimmy Carter. Since then, each subsequent president has issued an annual proclamation commemorating the third Friday in September as National POW/MIA Recognition Day.
A national-level ceremony is held on every National POW/MIA Recognition Day. Traditionally held at the Pentagon, it features members from each branch of military service and participation from high-ranking officials.
In addition to the national-level ceremony, observances of National POW/MIA Recognition Day are held across the country on military installations, ships at sea, state capitols, schools and veterans' facilities.
No matter where they are held, these National POW/MIA Recognition Day ceremonies share the common purpose of honoring those who were held captive and returned, as well as those who remain missing.
Attending the program were members of The American Legion, Sons of the American Legion, VFW, AmVets Rifle Squad with a 21-gun salute, Vietnam Vets, DAV, Purple Heart and Elks Lodge #354.