The American Legion Family of Post 105 of Belleville, New Jersey, celebrated the 105th birthday of the national organization on Friday, March 15, 2024, at the post’s clubroom. With around 50 people in attendance, “the 105” had a brief ceremony, a speech by the commander, and of course, a birthday cake.
Every year, posts around the world (around 12,000 local posts in 55 departments) celebrate March 15, 1919, as the official founding of The American Legion. On that day 105 years ago, about 1,000 officers and enlisted men from the Allied Expeditionary Force met in caucus in Paris, France to create an organization which would specifically advocate for the young veterans of the Great War returning home.
Since then, The American Legion has grown to be the largest wartime veterans' organization in the world. The organization has been instrumental over the past 105 years by pushing for the creation of the Veterans Administration, the GI Bill of Rights, the US Flag Code, and many other veterans’ rights initiatives like the federal PACT Act and the “Be the One” campaign intended to destigmatize the need for mental health support thereby curbing the veteran suicide epidemic.
In so many words, the Legion serves as a force for good in the world.
At a meeting of SAL Squadron 105 in early March, the membership voted unanimously to purchase a cake for the following Friday night, when the Post normally celebrates members' birthdays. The Sons wanted to do something for The American Legion birthday to stand in solidarity with the veterans for whom they support.
At 10 p.m., Post 105 Commander Joe Cobianchi read a prepared speech after the Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence remembering our departed members.
“National Defense, Americanism, Veterans and Youth. These are the bedrock principles that made The American Legion a great idea in 1919 and make it a great organization today,” the commander read.
Following his speech – and photo ops with the cake emblazoned with the Legion’s logo – all of the members stood together to take a group photo, raising their hands holding up their pointer fingers, which has become nationwide the “Be the One” symbol when Legion family members get together for pictures. Many in the photo were also wearing red, which is worn on Fridays – standing for Remembering Everyone Deployed.
Post 105 will celebrate its 105th birthday on September 9, 2024, which is the date in 1919 when it received its charter.