On Tuesday, June 8, 2010 Blanton-Thompson American Legion #155 elected its 2010-2011 officers for the year.
Jay Conti Sr., 47 years old, is the first ever "Global War on Terrorism" veteran to be elected to the high office of commander of any Citrus County veterans organization. Conti, will serve as American Legion Post 155's 65th Commander. After attending Citrus High School he joined the United States Navy and served honorably for over 21-years and retired at the rank of senior chief petty officer. This clearly shows the direction that the largest veterans organization in Citrus County with over 1,600 members strong is headed. Newer, younger veterans - men and women - are joining, volunteering filling the voids of either departed or aging comrades from WWII through Vietnam.
Jay Conti Sr. has set many goals for Post 155 this year, including increasing the Gulf War to present veterans but to ensure that Post 155 takes the lead in Citrus County as the first ever 21st century veterans organization. Already on social sites on the world wide web, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Burn-Pit, post web site and more, Conti installed a WI-FI access point for ALL of its members to use at any time they are at the post. His agenda includes innovated ideas to include the younger Veterans by offering attractive entertainment for the younger veterans without losing focus on the American Legion's ideas set forth by our founding fathers back in WWI. Conti stated: "Together we need to pledging our service and the service of our fellow man, For God and Country. We need to keep taking care of our veterans, their spouses and our kids in our community".
Conti Continued "We need a 21st century post that looks like a 21st century post and officers that think in the 21st century! This post will be the veterans organization where everyone in Citrus County or passers-by say I want to stop in American Legion Post 155 because they have heard the good things about us.