A new Sign honoring the veterans was designed and built by Joey Miller, a member of the Oakwood Boy Scouts troop 224, to replace the old faded sign that was in place since the Bicentennial Memorial Day 1976, in the Oakwood Town Center.
Joey spearheaded the design and building of the sign with the help of Boy Scout Connor Morton, Scout Masters Tim Miller, and Jim Whittington, Oakwood High Art teacher Lori Learnard, and family members Willma Miller, Dennis Miller, and Gary King. Jaci Miller, Joey’s mother, donated all the materials needed for the project.
Joe will gain merits towards his Eagle Scout badge for completing the project, but he said the reason he wanted to do it was “because it needed to be done for the vets, and it was the right thing to do”. The new sign was finished June 3rd and the sign was installed June 5, 2010, by the members of the Oakwood Legion, on the 90th year anniversary of the Oakwood American Legion Post 610.
Chaplin Leo Downing said the prayer and Adjutant Charles Mercer performed the dedication ceremony. In attendance were Commander Ray Thompson, Adjutant Chuck Mercer and Wife, Chaplin Leo Downing, Historian Dick Warner and Wife, Service Officer Jim Trask, Judge Advocate Bob Graves, PR Officer Ron Doty, Boy Scout Joey Miller his Mother and Cousin, a few on lookers and children.
Ron Doty
Post 610
Oakwood, IL.