Once a month every Thursday night, you can see the lights burn brightly on the third floor of the firehouse. Meetings for R.C. Dupont Post 18 take place there with little fanfare. You see, this is the post's home. Jan. 20 will mark the 70th anniversary of the post's existence, long steeped in history and service.
Named for R.C. Dupont, a pioneer in the glider and aviation industry, he dedicated and ultimately sacrificed his life during a World War II test flight. The gliders he developed helped the war effort by pulling off daring feats and exploits for our cause. Being soundless, gliders played a small but crucial role in missions at night to avoid detection. In addition to his accomplishments designing and building gliders, Dupont was a pioneer of rural mail delivery and the founder of Allegheny Airlines, forerunner of U.S. Airways.
In spite of not having their own home, the post is made up of some of the most active Legionnaires in the state, serving local community events, county, state and national events. The full range of Legion activities: Oratorical Contest, Boys State, plus local vet and active-duty support, including VA, are some of the programs and people Post 18 supports.
Longtime member Lyman Brenner is always working tirelessly to recruit new members. Peter Dirga, Chuck Armbruster and Mark Koczak (current commander) all have served in various post positions as well as throughout the state.
For a post that has no permanent home, it certainly is leaving its mark on the local community and throughout the state of Delaware!