Gladewater Chamber of Commerce honored one of its hometown American Legion Post 281 members at their August Chamber meeting. To the complete surprise of District 3 Commander/Post 281 Finance Officer, Linda M. Reed was encouraged to attend the monthly meeting so as to discuss plans for the upcoming festival. As the meeting began, the past history of Commander Reed was brought forward, along with the mention of the dedication of reorganizing the Post, the dedication to flag education in the school, parades, memorial ceremonies, 4 chaplain ceremonies, veteran tributes, taking over the Operation Appeciation Program to send packages to deployed soldiers, along with her recent facilitor training to start a PTSD Support Group she has organized for tri county local veterans. Honored was her time and dedication to the Community by the award as "Outstanding Citizen". Commander Reed graciously accepted, making note "it is the Veterans, Post 281 and its family members, along with her belief in the American Legion and it's Program that continues to motivate her.
(photo left to Right Chamber President Ruby Henry, Linda Reed, 3rd Dist. Commander/281 Finance Officer, Cisco Frierson, Vice President Chamber)