Chuck Lewis, NH Veteran's Home(Tilton,NH)events coordinator came to his fellow Legion Riders, asking if they would help raise money for the veterans' home resident fund by doing a poker run. NH American Legion Riders responded to his call. A committee was formed under the direction of Chuck Lewis, which included several ALR Chapters and ALR State Officers. After a few meetings, dry runs of the route, safety planning, and meeting with the local police of all the towns, the ride was on with a date of September 11, 2010. A date to remember everyone.
Registration started at the Alton American Legion with a free breakfast buffet to all participants. State ALR Run Coordinator Michal Murphy along with Post 51 Chapter 9 Run Coordinator Joyce "Pitbull" Murnane and State ALR Director John Froehling, gathered all volunteer road guards for a briefing and distributed safety vests. Alton motorcycle police guarded the road as over 120 bikes left the Alton Post. The ride took us to several locations to include Post 33 in Meredith, NH who greeted us with snacks. As we were heading to the Veterans Home in Tilton, we were greeted with the Franklin police who not only held traffic at bay, but gave us an escort through the town to where we turned to head to the Veterans Home.
At the Tilton Veterans Home we were greeted by Chuck Lewis and others, along with a BBQ cooked by Post 49's Drill Team. Earlier in the day, National Commander Jimmie Foster and NH American Legion Dept officers opened the POW/MIA 24hr vigil that was also being held at the Veterans Home. Several Legion Riders also stood vigil. After the final tally, the RIDE to REMEMBER brought $2700.00 to the Veterans Home Resident Fund.
We were so blessed with a beautiful sunny day! Many people along the route waving flags, some in the back of their truck with a sign saying "We support our Veterans",a farmer in his field waving his hat to us as we passed by. It truly was a "RIDE to REMEMBER" in so many ways.