Col. Lewis L. Millett Memorial Post 38, Seoul, South Korea, has been named Post of the Year 2015-2016 by the Department of the Philippines during the annual conference this past summer.
Post 38 is the first American Legion post established in Korea. The historical first meeting for Post 38 was held Saturday, 24 January 2015, in Seoul, Korea. On May 7, 2015, a temporary charter was granted to Post 38 by the National Executive Committee of the American Legion. Post 38was granted its permanent charter on October 14, 2015.
Despite the history of Post 38 being a brief one, the post has hosted and participated in events with lasting impressions. It hosted the 2015 National POW/MIA Recognition Day Ceremony on Sept. 18, 2015. Members of the U.S. Army Garrison, Red Cloud and Area I command and community gathered at the Camp Red Cloud's Warrior Chapel to recognize prisoners of war, those still missing in action, and their families during the ceremony. The event included a wreath-laying ceremony at the POW/MIA memorial on Camp Red Cloud. The POW/MIA Ceremony at the POW/MIA memorial on Camp Red Cloud was repeated again on 18 September 2016. During 2015 Veterans Day, Legionaries of Post 38 went to the Seoul Foreigners’ Cemetery to pay homage to American Veteran buried at the cemetery. The members of Post 38 placed U.S. flags on the gravesites of the 27 known American veterans at the cemetery. A small ceremony was conducted to include a prayer and salute to the fallen veterans.
Legionnaires of Post 38 on December 4, 2015, organized the Post’s Chartering and Stand-Up Ceremony. The event was attended by the National Commander Dale Barnett and his official party during their visit to Korea. The American Legion National Commander Dale Barnett installed and sworn-in Post 38 officers during the Chartering and Post Stand-up Ceremony. Post 38 Officers sworn in were: Michael Napsey (Post 38 Commander), William Wight (1st Vice Commander), William Black (Adjutant), Steven Tharp (Finance Officer), Tim Lane (Chaplain), Donald Wong (Historian & Staff Judge Advocate), Bill Beatty (Service Officer) and David Hill (Sergeant at Arms).
On 5 March 2016, l Post 38 hosted a community-wide ceremony honoring the memory of four U.S. Army chaplains at the Yongsan Garrison South Post Chapel in Seoul. During the Four Chaplains Ceremony, the guest speaker, Lt. Col. Matthew Wysocki, chaplain of the 1st Signal Brigade, spoke of the sacrifice, courage and bravery of the Four Chaplains. William Wight, Post 38 vice commander, read the biography of each of the Four Chaplains. Four candles were lighted individually honoring the Four Chaplains. Presentation of Honors was conducted by the 65th Medical Brigade Color Guard. Prayer of Blessing during the ceremony was performed by Post 38 Chaplain Tim Lane. Members of Post 38 participated and represented the American Legion during the VFW Sponsored Parade at Osan AB on 21 May 2016. This parade/walk was in supporting Veterans and honoring the legacy of all whom served in the military.
Throughout the year of 2015, the Commander of Post 38, Michael Napsey and Legionaries of Post 38 attended and set up a booth during all the Retiree Appreciation Days throughout Korea. During these events, the Commander and Legionaries would offer awareness and promote the American Legion with the ultimate goal of recruiting new members. Strength in numbers provides the American Legion with a loud voice in demanding what’s right for our service members, our veterans and military. Colonel Lewis L. Millett Memorial, Post 38, South Korea continues to host, participate, and sponsor events to reinforce the four pillars of the American Legion: Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children and Youth.