Department of Florida. District 7. Bartow Post 3. "This Post exemplifies the idea of giving back to the local community". Said District 7 Commander Nancy Thomas. This past year Post 3 donated $7,500.00 to the Polk County Sheriff's Charities; On Sept. 8 2006 Polk County Deputy Sheriff Matt Williams and his K-9 partner Diogi were killed in the line of duty. This money went to purchase a new dog for the K-9 unit. $6,900.00 to Bartow Police Department. $5,000.00 was donated to the American Cancer Society, $2,500.00 to the Bartow Police Explorers, $2,500.00 to Boy Scout Troop #147. They presented $2,500.00 to the Sunshine Foundation (Make a Wish), $2,000.00 to the Bartow Middle School FF A( Future Farmers of America). And finely $5,000.00 to the Bartow Volunteer Fire Department. For a final Total of $33,900.00. Funds were raised from Bingo, and dinners and other fund raising events. Good job Post 3 Legion Family. Photo is of Mr. Peters Club Manager and Chairman of Donations for Post 3 giving a check to Sheriff Jude (photo courtesy of Steve Steiner of the Polk County Democrat)
Submitted by:
Andrew W. Nagy
Department of Florida