On Saturday, May 21, 2011, community members joined American Legion Post 181 and Auxiliary Unit 181 in Lake Stevens, Washington, to show support for our military. To add to the festivities this year there was live music performed by four different groups and also a barbeque. We were honored to have several local active duty military with their families in attendance. Altogether about 200 people were there, with about 125 showing in the picture. Many others were very much aware of the event because of the announcement in the local paper a few days before and the fly-by that was performed by the BlackJacks, a local flying club of former military or commercial pilots, during the photo event. People all around the area witnessed the low and slow formation of planes and knew it was part of the Armed Forces Day Salute to all our military men and women serving around the country and around the world. Because it was the local fishing derby day, hundreds of people in boats on the lake and along the shore saw the planes perform the "Missing Man" formation on their second pass over the downtown War Memorial. Blue Star Service Banners were made available, and everyone enjoyed themselves despite the typically drizzly day in the Pacific Northwest. The photo was taken by Unit 181 Auxiliary Junior Member Katerine Isom who volunteers on a regular basis to document activities by the local Legionnaires. For more information go to: www.post181.org