We left Las Vegas for Operation Wounded Warrior with a trailer of goods, and unlike previous years where we simply asked for people to give us toiletries to deliver, we checked with the Veterans Guest House (VGH) in Reno for actual needs
Yes, they need toiletries, but they REALLY need is bleach, detergent, paper towel and toilet paper. Who would think that a house that accommodates 16 veterans per night would need toilet paper?
At the VGH, we were greeted by an appreciative staff who couldn’t believe that we would come all the way from Las Vegas. After all, few Veterans from Las Vegas are treated in Reno. Regardless of our north-south rivalries, we’re still all Nevadans.
While the staff appreciated us coming, Veterans who were there for long-term care appreciated it even more. We met “Doug” who was there for five weeks undergoing treatment not available at home. Then we met Specialist Spencer. Yep, he introduced himself at Specialist, and not Mr. Spencer. SPC Spencer was recently discharged from the Army and was being treated for his wartime injuries. His most pressing thoughts were how to get back into the military so he can continue to serve his country. Such fine young men we have.
Besides the goods we delivered, we brought money, and lots of it. We presented them with a total of $2100 to use as they saw fit. Again, very appreciative.
We left the VGH and stopped at the VA Hospital to visit with the Veterans in the long-term care center. For some of the patients, this is the last place on Earth for them, and some will pass with no family or friends to care for them. Anytime someone comes along to talk with them, and show them that someone cares, is a day that makes them smile.
Vic "Doc" Moss
Adjutant, American Legion Paradise Post 149
An American Legion Rider
Las Vegas, Nevada
Post Website: www.Post149.org
"Only a biker understands why a dog sticks its head out the window of a moving car