Fifth Friday Commander's Party!! Every time a month has a fifth friday, I host a Party for the Legion, Auxiliary and SAL, usually I get the President of the Auxiliary and the Commander of the SAL involved, as I use these dates to throw a heck of party for all the members as a small gesture in Saying Thank You to everyone for doing what they do!! "Helping veteran's and their families!!" This past Friday, we held an indoor beach party complete with a roasted pig, steamed shrimp, all the fixin's, beach volleyball, limbo, beach/summertime music and drink specials thru out the night. Many of our Legion Members came dressed ready to go to the beach, even though it was 19 degrees outside and we got 5 inches of snow dumped on us the next day!! Everyone had a fantabulous time and what's more the SAL Commander and the Legion Commander got behind the bar to serve drinks to our patrons!! In the 45 minutes we had the bar open, we earned over $250.00 to go towards our Wounded Warrior Weekend coming up in April!! I have said it before, and I will say it again!! Our post truly represents Legiontown USA!! Stop by anytime, our doors are always open for you!!
Commander Nikki
Post 278 Kent Island American Legion: "Where every day is Veteran's Day!"