The 29th District Boys State Instructional Dinner was held at Newport Harbor Post 291 on May 17, 2012.
The 75th Session of California Boys State will be held in Sacramento June 16-22, 2012.
Before the Delegates leave, the District holds an Instructional Dinner to give them as much
information about the program as time allows, provide the young men and especially
their families with maps to the bus pick-up location, what to bring and perhaps most
important, direction to the Boys State website where they must download vital medical
documents and scholarship applications.
For the 29th District, we consider this the beginning of a true life-time experience.
We welcomed 83-Delegates representing 20-Posts in Orange County, CA. With parents,
school counselors, Post Chairmen and other Command personnel 298 meals were
served and many Delegates went back for seconds. Without the great interest
and support of the parents, dedication of Post Officers and the monumental effort
of the American Legion Boys State staff, none of this would be possible.
Several call-outs and special thanks: Ken Ulrich, Bill Dunn, Bill Bennett, Carmen Williams
Jack Rhines, Ken Widdall, Al Yarrington, Steve Spriggs, Ken George, Richard Dunham,
Cindy Widdall, Trish Lawson, Susie Rhines, Peaches Yarrington and others too many to name.
My personal thanks to all. One final thanks: Post 291 Captain Alex and the fabulous Wait
Staff and Chef Javier and the magnificent kitchen staff.
Jess Lawson
Commander, Newport Harbor Post 291