Gladstone City Council


Commander shares success stories with local city council

Bennett & Dennis Herrick Memorial American Legion Post 626 - Gladstone, MO

As Post 626 commander I shared our success stories at the Gladstone City Council meeting tonight, Aug. 10, 2020. I wanted the city and the community to know what our membership does for their community in a single year. I'm extremely proud of our membership, the hardworking troops on the ground, and those who pay their dues year after year and are content to play the support role. We are a team, and these are the results!

Over the past year, from July 2019 through June 2020, we have:

• Handled 7 inquiries for assistance by veterans, with 32 hours of community service, rendering over $700 in aid
• Served 88 hours of community service and donated over $590 to the KC VA
• Made donations to the veterans homes in Cameron, Warrensburg and St. Michaels Veterans Center in excess of $1,300
• Conducted military funeral honors for over 72 veterans' families, donating over 1,200 hours to the cause
• Sponsored 3 high school students for the American Legion Oratorical Contest
• Attended school programs, Friday Fright Night, Rotary and Elks scholarship fundraiser events, and volunteered at and attended local events such as Bluesfest, Gladfest, Friday Fright Night with another 399 hours of service to our community
• Individually we also volunteer at the National WWI Museum and Memorial (2,203 hours), the Christmas Store (135 hours) and other assorted causes (711 hours) for a total contribution of 4,862 hours
• Donated over $800 locally and $400 nationally, and spent over $3,600 in conducting our programs
• Offered our assistance at the start of the pandemic to over 240 members

Another banner year for the hardworking members of Post 626!

Commander Millison addressing the council.
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