The economy in Georgia has a long way to go before it is back to normal. Walton County is no exception. Many families are struggling to obtain school supplies needed for their children. At a joint meeting of the Post 64 American Legion family a suggestion was made that an effort to help these families as a service to the community. That idea was embraced by members of American Legion Post 64, Squadron 64 and Unit 64 in Monroe and each of these organizations donated money. A total of $650.00 was raised to provide needy families and their children with Back-to-School supplies. Businesses and individuals were contacted and more funds were obtained bringing the total to $2185.
Lists of needed items were been obtained from Walton County schools for grades K through 5. The needed items were purchased at a substantial discount from area merchants. Notice of the event was sent to newspapers, radio stations, the individual schools and to charitable organizations stating that school supplies would be given to children of deployed military, disabled veterans, anyone on food stamps (SNAP), WIC , other assistance programs and the unemployed. Parents or guardians in the above categories were told to bring their children to American Legion Post 64, on August 4, 2012 between the hours of 11AM and 2PM.
Members of Post 64 organizations arrived at Post 64 at 8:00AM on Saturday August 4th and placed the supplies on tables arranged according to each elementary school in the county. Local restaurants provided breakfast to the volunteers as they worked. Admission number slips were given to families as they arrived. At 11:00AM the doors to the post opened and the first 10 families were admitted to the post. This process continued until 2:00PM. During these hours school supplies were distributed to over 230 children from 100 different families. On August 6th left over supplies were donated to elementary school teachers in Walton County.