American Legion's Virginia 2nd District and Post 110 held a Patriot Day "9-11 Remembrance Memorial Service" on September 11, 2012 at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) Senior Care Center in Virginia Beach, VA. The solemn occasion included the traditional fire department's striking of the "four-fives" on the bell by Legionnaire Miriam Triscritti; memorial wreath laying ceremony; striking of the bell once for each of the eleven conflicts that American service personnel have fought; and the playing of TAPS by Bugler Maureen Hayes.
Remembering those who lost their lives at the Twin Towers in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, DC, and in a field near Shanksville, PA were first responders from Virginia Beach's Fire, Police, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Departments, the Americam Legion, and the residents and staff of OLPH.
In the photo from (left to right) is George Schmidt, Post 110 Chaplain; Kat Bennett, OLPH's Director of Community Relations; Wes Latchford, Commander 2nd District and Commander of Post 110; Tim Riley, Fire Battalion Chief; Clay Cofer, Fire Battalion Chief; Leta Krieger, Master Police Officer; Bruce Nedelka, EMS Division Chief; and Bert Wendell, Jr., Vice Commander of Post 110.
(Photo taken by Robert M. Randall, American Legion's Virginia 2nd District PAO.)