American Legion Post 110 held a Veterans Day Observance Ceremony at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) Senior Care Center in VA Beach, VA on November 15, 2012 at 10:30 am. The residents of OLPH attending the ceremony were either veterans or spouses of veterans.
Veterans' family members decorated tables with photographs and memorabilia of their past military service. The National Anthem was played, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a Veterans Day speech was delivered by Bert Wendell, Jr., Commander, American Legion 110.
Those Legionnaires attending were (left to right): Doug Uhlmann, Post 110 Adjutant; George Schmidt, Post 110 Chaplain; Steve Sasokolowski, Post 110 Finance Officer; Miriam Triscritti; Bert Wendell, Jr., Post 110 Commander; Mike Bukowski, Virginia 2nd District Commander; Willard "Smitty" Smith, Virginia 2nd District Vice Commander; and Dan Ryan, Post 110 Vice Commander.
Photo courtesy of Bert Wendell, Jr.