On two seperate occasions members of the Levittown American Legion Post 1711 under the direction of County Adjutant and Past Commander of Post 1711 Andy Booth, along with County Tresurer Frank Colon and Post 1711 Adjutant Frank Wicelinski visited two of Levittown's elementary schools. The students at the Lee Road school collected various clothing items packed them in back packs and the third graders at Summit Lane School collected toiletries. Through a contact of Treasurer Colon, the post was able to enlist the help of the active duty staff at the Ft. Totten Army Reserve Center to have these items shipped overseas to our deployed troops. This ongoing program was started as a result of the post's flag etiquette program where members of post 1711 visit the local schools of the Levittown and Island Trees school district and teach and quiz the students about the history of the American Flag.