American Legion Newport Harbor Post 291 honored their Vietnam Era Veterans at the "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans" Party observing the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War, Saturday, April 13, 2013.
Close to 200 attended, many in their original uniforms. The hall was draped in jungle camouflage netting and Legion member photos from back in their Vietnam era days were posted throughout, along with a map of Vietnam, where the vets could place a pin where they were stationed.
A "Deuce'n-a-half" armed Personnel Carrier was donated to the event for the group photo, along with a Military Police Jeep and assault weapons from the era.
Our Vietnam Vets might not have had a warm homecoming back in the 60's and 70's, but it was celebrated in style at Newport Harbor Post 291.
Music from the era was played by DJ Ken Widdall, 2nd Vice Cmdr and event organizer.
Other attendees were dressed in 60's attire with some receiving prize for best outfit.
It was truly a great event!