Unit 291 in Southern California sends poppies to each of our American Legion family members (Legionnaires, Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion) each year as an opportunity to make a donation via the mail since not all members are unable to attend meetings or events. We have approximately 6,000 members combined. The purpose is to remind our members the reason why we are the American Legion, and to honor those who have served, those who are currently serving and most importantly, those who have lost their lives in the line of service to our nation.
Donations from our Poppies can only be utilized for our veterans and their families programs.
The proceeds directly support our Veterans Activities and Rehabilitation (VA & R) program and Children and Youth program. These programs include sending volunteers to the VA hospital for visitations with refreshments and prizes, helping with community events, school supplies, clothing and activities for the military children whose parents are currently serving, and nursing home and hospital bound veterans activities to name a few.
Primarily the Poppy is to remember those who gave their lives during time of war.
Margaret Myles, Chairman