Members of Department of Missouri, District 5, American Legion Auxiliary, met at the Robert L. Clore American Legion Post 189 in Lee's Summit on November 28 and February 27 to pack 170 soldier boxes. These Christmas and Easter boxes were sent to soldiers who are from the 1138th National Guard Military Police Unit from Harrisonville, who are now serving in Iraq. Eleven American Legion and Auxiliary members, ten members of the Second Baptist Church from Independence, Missouri and four Girl Scouts and their leader from Lee's Summit, Missouri packed the boxes for the soldiers. George Scarborough, Missouri American Legion District 5 Commander, also gave his time. The packers were volunteers from Independence, Lee's Summit, Grain Valley, Harrisonville, and Kansas City, Mo. There were four husband and wife teams and several mother and daughter teams.
Members of all twelve Fifth District Auxiliaries contributed towards the purchase of heartfelt gifts such as: books, candy, socks, and personal care items for the boxes and the postage. District 5 American Legion Post also passed a hat around at their annual meeting and the collection went towards postage. Clara Black, member from the R.C. Connie Burns Unit 71, knitted 132 helmet liners. Centerpoint Medical Center donated hand sanitizer and lip balm and Discover O Vision Center donated bottles of eyewash for each soldier. Also, Procter and Gamble donated tooth paste and tooth brushes.
Each year, the president of the District 5 American Legion Auxiliary, selects a president's project. Gayle Metzinger, this year's president, chose soldier boxes to send to Iraq as her son, Kent and Misty serve in the National Guard from Harrisonville. When Kent served in Kosovo last year, Gayle initiated the American Legion Auxiliary sending soldier boxes to Kosovo.
An Appreciation Letter to each soldier, signed by the Auxiliary members, was placed in the box along with a red poppy.