American Legion Post 155 to host The American Legion Department of Florida Commander Phil Hearlson's Homecoming
American Legion Post 155 in Crystal River will host The American Legion Department of Florida Commander's Homecoming Ball on Saturday, May 22, 2010. Legionnaires from the entire state of Florida representing over 300 American Legion posts, six Area's and 17 districts will be on hand with the State Commander Phil Hearlson. The Department of Florida American Legion Auxiliary President Mary Kelly-Perkins and Department of Florida Sons of The American Legion Detachment Commander Mike Dooley will also attend the Ball.
The three day event kicks off at Post 155 on Friday; May 21, 2010 for a fish fry dinner served by Auxiliary Unit 155; we will also be welcoming home a Citrus County Hero from Barbara Mills and Jay Conti Sr.'s welcoming cimmittee then a Pre-Homecoming social in the lounge with entertainment. The dinner is open to the public for a donation of $6.
On Saturday; May 22, 2010 the Department Homecoming Ball will kick off at 4 pm with the American Legion Post 155 "Award Winning" Honor Guard presenting honors under the supervision of Honor Guard Captain Joe Barry. On Sunday, May 23, 2010 from 8:30-11 am there will be a full breakfast bar at the post for a $6 donation.
All veterans are invited. For tickets please contact American Legion Post 155 Vice Commander Jay Conti Sr. at 344-4122 or 795-6526 or visit us on the web at