At 17 years old I left for boot camp in Bainbridge, Md. As I rode the train, by myself, down to the gathering center in New York City, I wondered, "What the heck am I doing here, alone?" It was the first time I was completely by myself; no family, no friends.
But it was something I wanted to do since I was 12 years old. We rode a bus down to Bainbridge, arrived around midnight and was told to find a bunk. We slept in our street clothes and were awakened, at 5 a.m., by the banging of a garbage can.
Again, that same thought as above crossed my mind. Boot camp was 12 weeks back then and was an experience that changed my life forever. The Navy provided me an education that allowed me to earn an engineering degree in electronics. Twenty-two years after active service I joined the Navy Reserve and retired after 16 years in the reserves. I have never regretted the years I spent in the Navy. I have many life long friendships that were started in the Navy.
I tell any young person going into the military, especially the Navy, that you get out of it what you put into it.
Thank you.