I saw Lloyd A. Sturtevant in a post from January 30, 2015. I served with him.
I served from Feburary 1966 to December 1968 as a 82E2H Topographic Computer.
I went to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., for basic training.
I went to Fort Belvoir, Va., in 1966 and stayed after topographic computer school as a instructor in the course (H in MOS for instructor).
I was transferred to Korea from Jan. 1, 1968, to Dec. 24, 1968. I flew home from Fort Lewis, Wash., on Christmas Eve.
I was stationed at Camp Mercer, Korea, with the 40th Engineer Topo (Corps) -part of 8th U.S. Army Engineers. It's by Kimpo Air Base and Inchon. I flew into and out of Kimpo.
We surveyed and did mapping all over Korea by TDY.