My AC-47D had returned from a fire support mission this 7 a.m. in the third week in May.
The 115/145 fuel truck driver was tired from a double shift, so I agreed as crew chief to fuel, then park my plane in the revetment.
It was a few days past the usual time of the month for the communists to lob in a few 122 mm rockets, so we all were breathing a little easier, when, WHAM! The first one landed at the end of the runway! The driver killed his truck's pump and we both ran for cover, he at the end of the revetment, and I as far as I could get at the edge of the taxiway, 200' away. Two more rockets exploded on contact, at the BOQ, and hobby shop (it was totaled). The last one in my revetment. A change in order and we and a few hundred g's of airplane would have been history!
And that's why I believe in God!