A Seabee's story begins with boot camp at Great Lakes for recruit training and continuing to "A School" for advanced equipment operator at the CFSE training center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering Detachment, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. As an equipment operator construction-man I was sent to NSA Bahrain to support Centcom 5th Fleet operations at Public Works Dept for Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom for 16 months. As a member of the transportation department as an equipment operator, I transported 82 tons of supplies and equipment and over 345 personnel to include high-ranking officials and distinguished visitors, earning numerous letters of appreciation. While stationed there I was also assigned to Threat-con Delta Auxiliary Security Force, providing base security during riots and when heightened security was needed. After my tour overseas I was stationed at Amphibious Construction Battalion Two at Little Creek, Va., supporting OIF/OEF through joint logistics and the construction of the Defense Department's only mobile peer system, while also deploying in 2008 to Amman, Jordan, for joint maneuvers with Beach Master Unit Two. I also deployed aboard USS Kearsarge for Continuing Promise 2008, and rerouting for disaster relief support for Hurricane Hannah, delivering over 200 metric tons of relief support to the countries of Haiti, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Guyana and Nicaragua. Supporting these countries really shows the appreciation for our lives and the things we take for granted in America. The following year in 2009 I was deployed and embarked aboard USS Iwo Jima to support President Obama's Visit to Ghana. Deploying in 2010 in support of Operation Unified Response in the 7.0-magnitude earthquake suffered in Haiti as a member of ACB-2 Disaster Relief Team One, responsible for the demolition of three schools and one church, I line hauled 500 tons of rubble and distributed 200 metric tons of food, water, medical and supplies to the people directly effected by the earthquake.
(2) Navy Achievement Medals
Good Conduct Service Medal
National Defense Medal
Global War On Terrorism Expeditionary Service Medal
Global War On Terror Medal
Armed Forces Service Medal
(2) Humanitarian Service Medals
Navy and Marine Corpse Overseas Service Medal
Sea Service Deployment Ribbon
Expert Marksman M16 Medal
Expert Marksman M9 Medal