The American Legion of Puerto Rico, working with the Motorcycle Association of the 65th Infantry Regiment, is helping to reach and present with honors the long overdue medals these soldiers, now veterans, have been waiting for. On Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023, commanders from three different American Legion posts worked together to present the medal for Ambassador of the Peace from the Republic of Korea to veteran Victor Robles Rivera. This medal is a token of appreciation and gratitude from the country of Korea for all servicemembers who participated in this conflict. The veteran was also awarded the 65th Infantry Regiment Gold Medal “Borinqueneers,” commemorating his service. Cabo Rojo Post 47 Commander Ortiz Nelson, Post 51 San Sebastián Commander Figueroa Placido and Post 67 Rincon Commander Bonet Carlos E. were instrumental in making this recognition possible. Mr. Robles Rivera showed his appreciation and gratitude to his family, the Motorcycle Association of the 65th Infantry Regiment and the American Legion of Puerto Rico.