The four pillars

Evanston , IL

I have been a member of American Legion Post 42 in Evanston for over 14 years now. Despite volunteering for a number of the events conducted at the post, such as the Family Appreciation Day Picnic, fundraising events like the Army-Navy football game, the Pancake Breakfast, the Pasta Dinner and any of our concerts, I never took into consideration the four pillars of The American Legion and what they represented.
The first pillar is Americanism. Under this falls the promotion of the Scouts of America, supporting them in their ability to become proud Americans and the traits they learn. Also, the displaying and protection of the American flag and all that’s associated with that including flag retirement ceremonies and honorably disposing of them.
The second pillar is Children & Youth. Boys State/Girls State is of great importance. This is a seminar to teach young adults the way government works including campaigning, voting, lobbying and holding a government position. It is offered to junior high school students. For young adults who have attended, this seminar often molds them for life.
The third pillar pertains to Veterans Affairs, including housing, rehabilitation and the Veterans Crisis Hotline to prevent suicides. The 2024 DoD statistics show 94 active-component, 24 Reserve and 21 National Guard troop suicides documented.
The fourth pillar addresses Veterans Employment and Education: veteran job fairs, preferred employment opportunities and veteran education benefits (GI Bill).
Last month, one of our post's past commanders addressed our Post Board and the membership on enacting the supporting of the four pillars of The American Legion: “What have you done to support the four pillars?” His reference is about giving back to our nation’s veterans and their families. In our post’s focus, we are generating four teams, with a team leader, to help cook one day a week on a rotating schedule, to cook one or two meals a day for military dependent families who will be staying at the new Fisher House located at Great Lakes, Ill.
This housing is for military families whose servicemembers are being treated at the base hospital. Meals and housing are free of charge. It’s just one way to give back to those who have protected our freedoms we love and appreciate.

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