The American Legion Department of North Carolina, in partnership with the Department of Veteran Affairs, proudly supported the annual Veterans Experience Action Center (VEAC) in North Carolina. Local veteran organizations, including the John E. Jacobs American Legion Post 68 of Leland, area VFW posts, the Marine Corps League, Oak Island Elks and others, volunteered and supported this event to bring VA health and social services to veterans. There were a wide variety of VA programs represented, ranging from nursing stations checking blood pressure to job search and VA claims assistance.
The need for this event was reflected by the veterans that came to take advantage of the services offered. Veterans traveled from Texas, Michigan, Maryland and other states across the entire southeast. Some came from as far away as the Caribbean! This event serviced 559 veterans over a 3-day period. In addition, each day there were six information sessions: “Be the One, suicide awareness,” and VA Mobile App, “VA Benefits and PACT Act,” “Survivor’s Benefits,” “Veterans Readiness and Employment Program and VA careers” and "Camp Lejeune Water for Veterans and Dependents."
This year, the event was held at the National Guard Armory in Wilmington, North Carolina. Of the 559 attendees, there were 285 PACT Act claim related. At least 32 decisions were completed for claims requiring expedited action and $108,025 in retroactive benefits were paid out. Retroactive benefits will continue to be generated over coming days thanks to rating and dependency adjustments set in motion onsite.
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) enrolled 67 new veterans for healthcare, completed 55 toxic exposure screenings and had various VHA services such as Homeless Support, Whole Health, Caregiver Support and others. Veterans Readiness and Employment, ENCES App and other VA community partners set up vendor tables promoting available resources in the community. Dale Todd, Team Lead from the John E. Jacobs American Legion Post 68 in Leland, NC stated, “This was a very successful event. It was very upbeat and productive. The volunteers had a great time assisting their fellow veterans.” The Vet Center participated with a mobile unit and provided onsite support and counseling for many veterans seeking assistance. Veterans with military sexual trauma-related conditions were connected with counselors and trained VBA representatives who provided sensitivity and support!