Veterans and Active-Duty Gain Honored Citizen Fare on Portland, Oregon Transit System

Forest Grove, OR

Just after 7:30 a.m. on April 25, 2023, Dale Thaler, Vice Commander of American Legion Post 2 in Forest Grove, stepped on the Portland MAX Blue line heading to his first Trimet Board of Directors meeting. He felt prepared because he did his homework. Public comment speakers were allotted three minutes to speak. He gave them a copy of his statement when he signed up. The request was simple: Include all active-duty and honorably discharged veterans in their Honored Citizen fare program. Many already qualified through age, disability or reduced income, but he felt ALL should qualify. Too many veterans were choosing to end their own lives. If the moniker, “Honored Citizen” swayed even just one from going down that road, it would be a win! Then the glitch; a proposed fare increase. Thirty-eight others also came to speak. He'd only get one minute, but it was enough. He received a phone call setting up a meeting in two weeks to discuss the proposal. The Vietnam era veteran spoke of the decline in the veteran populace from the 1980's 18% to less than 7% today. The active-duty force in his time was around 3.5 million, far more than the current 1.4 million. With five decades of no draft, all veterans who don't qualify by age were volunteers. They were on board.

On November 9, 2023, Sam DeSue, General Manager of Portland Oregon's TRIMET transit system, announced that the Honored Citizen fare would be extended to all active-duty servicemembers and honorably discharged veterans. TRIMET, an extensive network of bus, streetcar and light rail systems providing a link to many veteran service locations including the Portland VA Medical Center, would be the first major transit system in the United States to honor both current and former military members. A veteran himself, he hoped this example would help The American Legion gain acknowledgement for servicemembers and facilitate change in other transit systems. Post 2 veteran Thaler commented at the ceremony, "Honored Citizen status isn’t about the cost to ride. It’s about giving the recognition, the respect and the gratitude to those who were and are willing to make sacrifices that allow every American opportunities to enjoy our unparalleled freedoms. By doing so, you render respect to all who served. It acknowledges the gratitude of America and for our troubled service men and women, it will help diminish the haunt and fortify the self-worth.” Thank you to TRIMET and to every veteran. Hold your head high!

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